A reminder for moms

life knocked me right on my ars last week…

it all hit me at once — exhaustion, anxiety, sadness, irritability. I’ve been in a complete funk. I have barely cooked (I didn’t even grocery shop 😬), I haven’t done laundry, I’ve been impatient with the girls, I’ve barely worked, and it’s all I can to do keep the house picked up. 

fortunately I’m blessed with really wise friends who will listen to my pity-party rambles about how I feel like I’m barely scraping by in all areas of life and then gently remind me that:

being a mom is an extremely time-consuming and hands-on job.

add feeding a family, keeping a house clean, and working from home on top of that. sprinkle in a husband who is rarely home during daylight hours. and add the, “we’re moving in a few months but still have no clue where we’re going yet” cherry on top. there’s your perfect recipe for mental disaster 🤪 it’s truly impossible to function for long periods of time at this capacity. 

your circumstances are likely different, but if you’re a mom to littles you’re probably feeling some level of exhaustion and funkiness as well. you, too, might be ending the day with a disaster of a house and a pile of laundry wondering what the heck you did all day. but you did a lot. I mean like a TON. probably more than you ever did in a day before you had kids.

so give yourself grace. I’ll give myself grace too.

and if you see someone who has it all together, I promise you they actually don’t OR they’re superhumans who don’t sleep OR they currently have more help than you do (which isn’t a bad thing at all, by the way, I’m a huge proponent of asking for help and outsourcing things that make sense for your family) 

bottom line — we can’t do it all, but we’re doing a heck of a lot. and this is a season. a short period of time that I feel confident I’ll look back on and greatly miss. so raise your room temperature coffees, mamas. here’s to another exhausting but extremely fulfilling week of doing the most important job we’ll ever do. we’ve got this 👏🏻


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