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finally, a clean baby formula
motherhood, lifestyle, natural living addi wolnski motherhood, lifestyle, natural living addi wolnski

finally, a clean baby formula

all of that to say, even though legal red tape prevents serenity kids from marketing their formula as infant formula: the serenity kids A2 “toddler” formula is completely safe to feed to even the youngest of babes — not just toddlers. and it is the ONLY formula I will feed my children if we end up in that situation again. the serenity kids formula contains a macronutrient profile (high-quality proteins, fats, and carbs) and fortifications (HMOs, nucleotides, and prebiotics) that make it more similar to breastmilk than any other formula out there.

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A reminder for moms
motherhood, lifestyle addi wolnski motherhood, lifestyle addi wolnski

A reminder for moms

we can’t do it all, but we’re doing a heck of a lot. and this is a season. a short period of time that I feel confident I’ll look back on a greatly miss. so raise your room temperature coffees, mamas. here’s to another exhausting but extremely fulfilling week of doing the most important job we’ll ever do. we’ve got this.

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wildflower birthday party
addi wolnski addi wolnski

wildflower birthday party

margot loves birthdays. i mean seriously — she sings happy birthday to me, her sister and her baby dolls several times a week. so i wanted to make sure her birthday party was awesome. we decided on a wildflower theme, “young, wild & three.” i felt like it would be simple, sweet and perfect for spring!

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